Our Family History
Boroondara, Richmond, Melbourne, County of Bourke, Australia
Latitude: -37.80391810620444, Longitude: 145.0419706106186 | Click to get directions to Boroondara
Date 11-Aug-1871
Grave Location PRES A 0797
Section Name Presbyterian
If you call in to the cemetery to search for this grave site, make sure you use the touchscreen outside the main office to print a more detailed map. It will make finding the grave site much easier.
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Alick MacNeill's Gravestone Alick MacNeill 14 May 1848 - 10 August 1871 Sailes from his home in Gigha Scotland on the Clipper MacDuff in 1869 in search of his brave new world in Australia |
Alexander MacNeill (d. 10 Aug 1871)